Railway wheels
The STARMANS DIO 2000 Railway Wheels Testing Device is automated system designed for ultrasonic testing of railway wheels. The testing device is suited for both new and re-profiled railway wheels.
better results in defect sensitivity, detection and reductionsignal-to-noise ratio. In one cycle is tested a completewheel – rim, disc and hub. Therefore the device is timeand cost effective. The STARMANS DIO 2000 Railway WheelsTesting Device is fully automated and needs less interventionof operator. The device generally complies withinternational norms for railway wheels ultrasonic testingas follows: EN 13262; AAR M-101-90; UIC 811-1.
The device is compact, durable and designed to runin four shifts. It consists of rigid frame, testing tank, rollers forwheel rotation and movable transducer holders. All parts,which are in contact with water, are from stainless steel.
Control and Software
The system is controlled by PLC Siemens and operated byoptipanel. In addition the device can interface with existingnetwork of company. Software DIO 2000 is user-friendlyand easy to operate. Software for DIO 2000 has beendeveloped for control, testing results displaying and hasthe following modes: settings, measuring, monitoring thedata and calibration.
The system enables to make analysis, statistics and reportsfor further evaluation, large data basis and printing. Therecords can be arranged according to a customer´s specialrequest.
The above details are based on standard supplied system.The STARMANS electronics can design and offer a turnkeycustom solution to meet specifications and requirementsof customer.